SPS EZpay allows Upper Arlington Schools families to pay school fees and add money to their students' lunch accounts online.
Questions about student fees? Email fees@uaschools.org. Difficulty accessing your EZpay account? Call 1-866-MYEZPAY.
If paying school fees will cause a hardship for your family, please contact your child's principal or school counselor. Eligible families may also complete a free or reduced-price meal application for their student(s) in the Linq Family Portal. Click on "Start a Meal Application."
New to EZpay?
View these instructions on how to sign up for SPS EZpay. Please note that any families of students who are new to the district for the upcoming school year will be able to sign up for SPS EZpay beginning on August 1.
How to Add a Student to Your Existing Account
To add a student to your existing SPS EZpay account, log into SPS EZpay and click on My Account, and then Add a Family Member. You will need to provide the student’s district-issued student ID number and last name. You can find your child’s six-digit student ID number by logging into the PowerSchool Parent Portal.